Just let it go

‘Just let it go’. It’s always easier said than done. Isn’t it a bit hypocritical to ask others to let go of things when we know for a fact that we haven’t let go of many such things we ought to have, a long time ago? Alas! we are all such hypocrites. Because, when it comes to bad experiences, unpleasant memories and traumas we are like a child holding on to his favorite toy. No matter what, we never let it go. Never.

‘Forgive and Forget’ they say. But one thing is guaranteed that even though we may forgive, we will never ever be forgetting any of the bad experiences which emotionally broke us, the injustices we had to face, the mean things people ever said to our faces or the traumatic incidents we had to deal with. We may forget all the good things that happen in our lives but we never forget the bad ones. The memories of bad experiences become a part and parcel of ourselves that eventually we begin to identify ourselves with those pains, memories, and sufferings.

The walk of life is hard for real. For everyone it is so. Even for those born with ‘silver spoons’, contrary to popular beliefs. There are no people in this world who have not known the feeling of pain. People lose many things at one point or other in their lives. All those happy faces that we are so jealous of, have sad stories to tell. 

 In fact, it is easier to be sad than to be happy. Because sadness is an emotion we quickly embrace and at the same time, it is difficult is to find happiness around us. But we should not let ourselves make up to that point in life where we obsess about the sad things; constantly talking about them, sulking and breaking down. 

There is no roller coaster which always goes down. So it is pointless to always lament about our past ill-experiences and making it seem like that’s what our life has always been, that’s what our life has become and that’s what our life would ever be. 

Whenever we reiterate the bad experiences we had to face in our lives, we live it once again, resurrecting the traumas buried deep within. And what do we gain? Become even more miserable? And eventually the ‘why me?” s will be brought into spotlight. “Why me?” is such an ignorant question to ask ourselves. If we are well aware that the universe doesn’t revolve around us but we revolve with it, we would never ask ourselves “why me?” 

There are millions and trillions of human beings inhabiting this earth. And a large segment of this population have gone through worse than what we have. Re-living the traumas and re-iterating them again and again keep us glued to misery. So the question to ask ourselves is do we really want to identify ourselves with these bad experiences? Do we need to continue playing the victim ? Or do we want to evolve and get a move on with life?



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