A tale of expectations that life is

All the things that we do in our lives, we do, expecting for a favorable result. Even when we do something selflessly or unconditionally, the truth is , deep down , we all expect a bit of an acknowledgement from others. When things don’t turn out to be the way we expect, disappointment shrouds us, sucking away all the pleasant thoughts. Hence, our entire life is a tale of expectations with the morals of disappointments.

We humans, always stand on a pile of expectations. But what we never expect is the fact that there will be times when we stagger. Sometimes, life leads us to a different path than we expect. There will be times when our hard work doesn’t pay off. At times,we may fail to fulfill the aims that we set in our lives. So, everything doesn’t always go as we planned. Yet, we cling on to our expectations. We stick to making plans and sketches of our entire lives.

Life is not always going to be the way we dream about it. We stumble, we fall, we fail, we crash and we even shred down to pieces. What do we do about it? We weep, we lose all hopes and we get depressed. Because no one ever expects that the life which they so dearly cherish would push them off of a cliff without even serving a prior notice. The brutal truth? Sometimes it does. And when that happens, we need to be able to climb our way back up with all our might.

Feeding our expectations would never do us any good. We need to accept the fact that no love is always reciprocated; No actions are always fruitful; not all good deeds are always acknowledged; not all talents are always appreciated and most importantly, no one’s life ends with a happily every after. There would be rise and falls; happiness and sadness; success and failures; love and heartbreaks. It’s all part of our lives. Parts of everyone’s life actually, without any exceptions. For, no one’s life is perfect in this world, contrary to what we choose to believe. At one point or another , we all face hurdles in our lives and there is absolutely no point in running away from it or weeping about it.

If we start doing our deeds without even thinking about the results that we may or may not get, life wouldn’t be so miserable. So, in a sense, aren’t we the reason for our own unhappiness? Aren’t we disappointing ourselves with these beautifully painted pictures of idealism? When we are left with a choice, why do we always chose to accentuate the disappointments and be unhappy? After all, life is too short to be overwhelmed by disappointments. 

“Hope. Don’t expect. Hopes lead you on. But expectations give you the severest of heartbreaks”


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