The chain of shaming and blaming.

Have you ever felt that you are a disappointment to the older generation? If yes, you are not alone. An entire generation is standing by you, sharing the same hurt. Not speaking for everyone, but a majority of us feel like we are often misunderstood or not understood at all. A series of misunderstandings and disappointments make us feel like we are are huge failures; that our life is a big disaster. Instead of celebrating and cherishing each moment in our lives, we focus on the negative aspects and a valuable period of our life is lost in sulking about the fake problems that we ourselves create. 

Parents implant the seeds of their unfulfilled desires in their children and if they fail to bear fruits, they get disappointed in us. They raise their expectations in us, so high, that sometimes we break our wings trying to fly those heights. Every older generation does this to the younger one. Tomorrow, we may also do the same to the next generation. But the question is, shall we not try to break this jinxed chain of shaming and blaming? 

From time immemorial, the older generations have been pitying the younger ones because they just can’t help. They think everything comes easy for us. We don’t know any pain or suffering. We don’t know what real problems are. We have never seen the worst of days like they, in their times did. Why? The true reason is, because they didn’t want us to. They struggled to give us a life better than the one they had. They tried everything to make us happy. Whatever we have become now, we owe it all to them. But what is the point in pitying this generation that they themselves raised? 

Isn’t it so pointless to compare the old generation with the new one? With time, everything changes. Laws change, attitudes change, lifestyles change, living conditions change, struggles and challenges change. Our generation has struggles of its own. We may not be fighting wars with swords and arrows; we may not be getting blemishes and scars on our skins marking our bravery. But that doesn’t mean our life is easy. It never implies that our life is futile. 

This generation is struggling to keep up with this technology driven world, to match the competition which has pervaded all possible fields, to save ourselves from the deadly traps of social media, to match our pace with the rising standard of living, to fight the wars within. 

Why has depression become a term of common parlance , that at one point or another we have all encountered it on different levels? Our parents gave us an ‘easy life’. So when we are exposed to the reality of life, most of us stumble. We don’t know how to effectively handle disappointments, we try to run away from problems instead of facing them boldly. We don’t know how to ignore trifles. We want to be alone but we are scared of loneliness. We want to love and be loved, but we are not ready for commitments. We have trouble settling down, adjusting and compromising. We are afraid of being tied down. We are in such a confused state of mind that ‘self help’ has become incapable of curing us. We are too occupied with the fake problems in our lives and we refuse to snap out of them. It is all because of the time and circumstances that we live in. Otherwise there is nothing inherently wrong with this present generation, like the older generation believes. 

If you blame this generation of becoming so vulnerable, it is all because of the generation that raised us to be so. There is no point in blaming and shaming each other. Problems, real or fake, are problems need to be addressed. Battles, among nations or within ourselves, are battles need to be fought. If the older generation stops expecting the younger one to turn out like them, there wouldn't be any room left for disappointments. We can’t get stuck in a particular period of time; we have to evolve with it. And with this evolution come changes which we need to accept. Or, we can chose to continue this chain of shaming and blaming. 



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