What I learnt from Harry Potter

Harry taught me never to leave your loved ones behind
I learnt from Hermione to be fearless and one of a kind
What Ginny taught was 'we can do it!’ if we've got enough nerve
Fred and George showed it is to the daring that the opportunities serve
I learnt from Neville to stand up for what is right
Luna taught me dreaming is the greatest delight
I was taught by Ron that courage is the greatest possession
Charlie made me swear never to give up passion
I learnt from McGonagall to be fair and just
I saw in Flitwick life is charming as such
Snape taught me to love unconditionally
Lupin said it only matters what you're internally
Lily made me realize that love could be that strong
James made me think that arrogance is not always wrong
I learnt from Arthur curiosity is a part of life
Molly did teach me it's hard to be a mother and wife
Madam Pomfrey evinced the noblest thing is to serve
I did learn from Dobby to strive for what we deserve
What Fawks taught was every breakdown is a new beginning
I learnt from Buckbeak that pride is an inborn thing
Padfoot made me think it’s better to die than surrender
Moody taught me to be alert without giving way to blunder
Fleur made me realize beauty lies in our own eyes
Bill taught me that life is to move on and not for sighs
Seamus revealed persistence would never let us fail
Cedric showed me modesty is the greatest jewel
I learnt from Draco being mean is not a sin if our heart is full of kindness
What Krum taught me was to be the ray of hope amidst the darkness
Hagrid made me muse on building Harmony and peace
Sir Nicholas taught me if you've got a will, hopes won't cease
What Dumbledore taught was to give second chances
And I learnt from Lockhart to make new advances
Percy showed me it's never too late
I learnt from Trelawney to believe in fate
Tonks did teach to live life to the fullest
Oliver made me pledge to aim for the highest.
Bellatrix did teach me to stick to what we believe
Narcissa made me realize, it’s for our family we should live
Voldemort showed not knowing love is the greatest curse
Wormtail taught me, at the end we all do show remorse
I learnt from Slughorn, everyone makes mistakes
Lucius made me realize, one pays for the blunder he makes
I did learn from Rowling, Imagination’s not limited by distance or time
And hence I say, 'I Imagine therefore I am'.


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