chintoo - my pet cat

My pet cat

At the very first sight
He stole my mind
My heart filled with love
Which was one of a kind.

He was a cute cuddly cat
With soft grey fur,
Having handsome looks
And a pleasing purr.

His big amber eyes
Shining bright in the light;
With a wavy tail
He was a joy for sight.

Beyond a pet
He was my dearest friend.
I longed for those days
With him to spend.

I missed him a lot
When he was nowhere to be seen
And I always wondered
Where he had been.

He was no longer my friend
once he came back;
I had vanished from his mind
And I was taken aback.

His presence was enough
To cheer me up
But time went by
And he never showed up.

Once on my way
I found something weird
My heart sank deep
And pain seared.

In the pavement I found
Something stiff and bold
It lay there unmoved
And was wet and cold.

I leapt forward
And was shocked to see,
Two wide amber eyes
Staring back at me...

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