What do you do?

Have you ever wondered why you encounter the question "what do you do?" more than "how do you do? " (Maybe an Indian thing of poking one's nose into another's life). If you are a married woman and a mother at that, you will get this question more often. I have been fiddling with this question for so many years now until one day the realization finally dawned upon me. It is hard to keep up with the societal standards. It is harder to meet people's expectation about you. And the hardest part is answering the million dollar question 'what do you do?' Well, it may sound a bit vague but the real intended question here is, how is your career graph going? At this juncture, everything else in life appears secondary. So it is pointless if you try to answer the question by listing out the things that you do on a day to day basis. It doesn't matter if you learn new things each day or are teaching and moulding the future generation. It least conc...