The commonsense of cooking
From where I am from, cooking is considered more than just a surviving skill. But I didn’t even know survival cooking. It all seemed so confusing. From measuring the ingredients to be added, to adjusting the flame of the stove, every thing just went over my head (No. I am not stupid even if it may appear so). I tried to avoid crossing the threshold of kitchen as far as possible. I used to be the kind of person who opted to remain hungry rather than cook(obviously because I was fortunate enough to have a kind mother who cooked everything I liked and always made sure my hunger strike demands were addressed). Cooking was like the nightmare I wanted to wake up from, so badly. A quarter century of my life had passed and on one fine Thursday evening, when the moon had marked his presence on the sky I finally got a kitchen all to myself. Pages were turned and a new journey had begun. The one I had to lead on my own. But I had to begin from scratch. A bit of text book knowled...