
Showing posts from April, 2021

The commonsense of cooking

From where I am from, cooking is considered more than just a surviving skill. But I didn’t even know survival cooking. It all seemed so confusing. From measuring the ingredients to be added, to adjusting the flame of the stove, every thing just went over my head (No. I am not stupid even if it may appear so). I tried to avoid crossing the threshold of  kitchen as far as possible. I used to be the kind of person who opted to remain hungry rather than cook(obviously because I was fortunate enough to have a kind mother who cooked everything I liked and always made sure my hunger strike demands were addressed). Cooking was like the nightmare I wanted to wake up from, so badly.  A quarter century of my life had passed and on one fine Thursday evening, when the moon had marked his presence on the sky I finally got a kitchen all to myself. Pages were turned and a new journey had begun. The one I had to lead on my own. But I had to begin from scratch.  A bit of text book knowled...

Wonder woman


Love and two worlds

 We, the hopeless romantic people hope to meet the man/woman of our dreams someday and fall in love with them. But what if someone literally falls for the man/woman of their dreams? A girl who has her head buried in fantasies and cliches meets her soul mate in her dreams. But what happens when her dream world clashes with reality? Can they ever merge into each others' world and become one? Does love really have no boundaries?   Read Love and two worlds

And I fell

People talked, taunted and trashed until they spaded into my soul Thrust their mouths upon my ears and fed on my repressed fears.   They submerged me in their hollow words And I came out gasping; All frail and feeble with a racing mind, unstable.   My life was sorely punctured - with  countless, fathomless holes; All that seeped through was muck, keeping me bound to the ruck.   I was pushed ahead, but there was no ground beneath. And I fell and I failed Hit the rock bottom, my arms flailed.  

Love liners


Warli variants


Creative mandala



With the advent of social media and it’s overwhelming feeds, a new wave of fear has shrouded us all- The ‘Fear Of Missing Out’. It’s more like a feeling of being glued to the ground when everything else around us moves on. A kind of anxiety that we are not able to partake in the fun that others are having out there. But is it really that simple to be neglected or has it taken on our lives unbeknownst of us all? FOMO or the ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ is not just another hormone induced teenage drama, but a real phenomenon that is affecting our mental health irrespective of the age groups we belong to. It is becoming quietly common to have this phobia of missing out.   Our social media feeds are bombarded with statuses and stories of people known and unknown. We enjoy reading/watching whatever is shared by our friends, acquaintances, celebrities, public figures or other people we follow, oblivious of its darker side, where it takes a toll on our emotions. The indefinite scrolls and swipes...