
Showing posts from December, 2020

The chain of shaming and blaming.

Have you ever felt that you are a disappointment to the older generation? If yes, you are not alone. An entire generation is standing by you, sharing the same hurt. Not speaking for everyone, but a majority of us feel like we are often misunderstood or not understood at all. A series of misunderstandings and disappointments make us feel like we are are huge failures; that our life is a big disaster. Instead of celebrating and cherishing each moment in our lives, we focus on the negative aspects and a valuable period of our life is lost in sulking about the fake problems that we ourselves create.  Parents implant the seeds of their unfulfilled desires in their children and if they fail to bear fruits, they get disappointed in us. They raise their expectations in us, so high, that sometimes we break our wings trying to fly those heights. Every older generation does this to the younger one. Tomorrow, we may also do the same to the next generation. But the question is, shall we not try...


 Why do I need to pray when you are deaf to whatever I say Why do I expect you to see when you have shut your eyes on me why do I even cry when your heart is so cold and dry Why do I make an argument when you have already made your judgement Why do I resort to pretence  when it doesn't make any difference Why do I change my identity when still, all there'd be left for me is pity

We ain't got enough time

  24 hours a day, 168 a week, 8760 an year, but we still can’t find enough time. The clock ticks the same everywhere. But why is it that, no matter where we look, some of us (well, most) can never find time for anything?  Someone asks us to complete a work within a given deadline and we fail to do it. Why? Because we didn’t get enough time. A friend calls and says “long time no see” and our immediate response is “I so badly wanted to talk to you but I didn’t even get time”. So what’s the big deal with this time? Why is it so hard to find?Truth is, we never really attempt to find it. And what we do is, we blame everything on time. We make it seem like we don’t get 60 minutes every hour like everyone else does..  Time is not something that you buy or rent or own. But it is something infinite and it continues to exist even when we cease to. We can’t store or preserve it. There is no reservoir of time that we would run out of. We just need to know how to effectively utilize ...