The chain of shaming and blaming.
Have you ever felt that you are a disappointment to the older generation? If yes, you are not alone. An entire generation is standing by you, sharing the same hurt. Not speaking for everyone, but a majority of us feel like we are often misunderstood or not understood at all. A series of misunderstandings and disappointments make us feel like we are are huge failures; that our life is a big disaster. Instead of celebrating and cherishing each moment in our lives, we focus on the negative aspects and a valuable period of our life is lost in sulking about the fake problems that we ourselves create. Parents implant the seeds of their unfulfilled desires in their children and if they fail to bear fruits, they get disappointed in us. They raise their expectations in us, so high, that sometimes we break our wings trying to fly those heights. Every older generation does this to the younger one. Tomorrow, we may also do the same to the next generation. But the question is, shall we not try...